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A quantum psychophysics perspective on bistable perception
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Qbism: Abstract algorithmic digital art
The Necker cube
Original publication by Necker (1832)
The “Complementarity Meme”
On the evolution of an idea: Psycho->Physics
Prof. Erwin Schrödinger
Unsere Vorstellungen von der Materie (1952)
Do Electrons think? (BBC)
Bistable perception
Dual-aspect monism
Ontic & Epistemic Dimensions
Quantum computation: The Qbit
It from bit
Quantum physics & creativity (Prof. Hans-Peter Dürr)
Quantum Zeno effect
Google’s DeepDream algorithm
Exemplary source code of a digital Necker Cube artwork
Can observing a Necker cube make you more insightful?
Video lectures
Quantentheorie der Ur-Alternativen
What are the computational functions of feedback to early visual cortex? Prof. Daniel J. Kersten (2018)
Complementarity and Bistable Perception – Dr. Harald Atmanspacher (2012)
Harvey Brown QBism: the ineffable reality behind “participatory realism”
Bistability bibliography in various formats
Neuromechanical interpretations of bistability
Dṛg-Dṛśya-Viveka: An inquiry into the nature of the seer and the seen
Interdisciplinary discourse: When physics learned the concept of complementary from psychology
The Cartesian split and the Heisenberg cut
Interface theory of perception
Orch-OR hypothesis
Kuhnian paradigm shifts and bistability
Neuroscience of bistable perception
The mental universe
Paradoxical logic: A cultural relativism perspective à la Erich Fromm
The complementarity of science & Art
Goethe – Light Darkness and Colours (Documentary 1998)
M.C. Escher
Naïve and local realism
Quantum holism
Krishnamurti & Bohm
Heisenberg cut
Schrödingers cat
Quantum Bayesianism
Do Electrons think?
Quantum logic
von neumann birkhoff